Environmental Projects

The social care, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and local communities is our fundamental concern as a responsible overall activity.

Environmental Projects


Blockchain is having an emerging role in sustainability in our group projects by improving collaborations with our clients, assisting them in adopting more sustainable lifestyles, and by facilitating our activity to improve our sourcing and recycling practices.

Another major benefit of the blockchain technology we appreciate is transparency as the blockchain provides a verifiable record of each transaction.

Crucial to sustainability is the concept of the circular economy and its three R’s: reducing materials and waste, reusing products, and recycling materials. This paradigm ensures that products and services are traded in closed loops or cycles, meaning that nothing goes to waste so we can better preserve the earth’s natural resources. Blockchain can help in this regard, too. Aside from transparency, the technology ensures traceability. Thanks to blockchain technology our consumers can have adequate information about truly sustainable products we are offering, enabling them to make informed choices.

Finally, blockchain is refining the supply chain through immutable, time-based databases for every stage: production, collection, transportation, arrival, and storage. These result in reducing our operating costs and, more importantly, reductions in waste.